Ma tante chante is the place for my musical quest, a place where I can track my progress on singing and playing the piano and maybe more instruments in the future?
I have sung all my life, always just for fun and since 2018 I have joined the choir ArcyLaDoRe here in Burgundy, France.
Because my vocal cords occasionally bothered me after singing for a long time, I decided to work on my voice more seriously and in the summer of 2023 I joined Singeo.com, a website aimed at developing your voice for singing. Singeo, part of the Canadian company Musora, is a lively breeding ground with many courses, activities and forums where all kinds of things happen.
Since September 2023 I've joined the Weekly Song Challenge on Singeo.com. It's a forum where Singeo-students from all over the world pick a weekly song by turn and the others learn it, record it and present their videos on the forum. The video's presented on this site are mainly from the Weekly Song Challenge. Hans amuses himself by making wonderful clips during my singing adventure. For him it's progress thread for professionalizing in digital audio and video
It is also very nice to have the leading voice now, because as a tenor you always have the supporting singing voice.
I had piano lessons as a child, but in a very classical way. No theory, no improvising, no understanding of the wonderful system of music, just playing notes from sheet music. After a knee-operation I took the time to really dive into the theory of music. All by courses on the internet. Especially the Pianote movies on youtube were so sparkling and clear. So I decided to join Pianote.com in 2020. It is so exciting! There is so much more to discover than just playing from sheet music. The only problem is that you have to start all over again and you really feel like a beginner. But luckily, Pianote is a very supportive and lively community where a lot of students can meet, exchange their ideas and music and help each other. I've joined the group 40 pieces challenge, where we present our progress to each other in 40 pieces a year. The piano video's on the site are mainly made for this group.
It's all about music and just for fun.